Bradley Priest

What's new in EmberJS #10 16 Jul 2012

Sorry I missed last week, but literally nothing had happened. This week, there have been some massive changes under the hood.

###Weekly Wrapup #10


  • The simplify-properties branch was merged into master, this brings some sorely needed readability for us commonfolk for how the inner workings of property handling works.

  • ember-data has a vastly improved FixtureAdapter

  • A new recordIsLoaded method was added to data in b63b84

  • connectOutlet has been given another syntax (outletName, name, context) to make it easier to use custom outlet names. As always the options hash is still available if you need to use custom combinations.

  • d77a0c adds the option to add a non standard rootUrl to the router.

  • e66827 meta clicks are now properly respected.

If I missed anything please let me know in the comments, twitter or IRC at #emberjs.

What's new in EmberJS #9 02 Jul 2012

Pretty quiet this week sorry

###Weekly Wrapup #9


  • ember-data now no longer sets the isDirty flag if the value hasn’t changed.

  • 9d8247 fixes the router to always call connectOutlets of intermediate routes when using the router.

  • The router has also had a couple more tweaks to handle initialStates better.


If I missed anything please let me know in the comments or on twitter.

What's new in EmberJS #8 25 Jun 2012

Not so much new code this week, but the documentation is making leaps and bounds

###Weekly Wrapup #8

Breaking Changes

  • d23ea3 changes app.stateManager to app.router


  • One of the last major bugs in the new router has a PR for a fix.

  • 37d331 ember-data now gives the store to each controller.

  • In ember-data the ManyArray now provides a isLoaded flag f707b6c

If I missed anything please let me know in the comments or on twitter.