Bradley Priest

What's new in EmberJS June 18 18 Jun 2012

A couple of breaking changes this week, if you’ve been following master, there’s a couple of quick tweaks that need to be made.

###Weekly Wrapup #7

Breaking Changes

  • d8383b creates an Ember.Route subclass of Ember.State, if you’re using the new router, make sure you change over as there are currently no warnings.

  • be6939 changes the arguments expected by connectOutlet. Check out the commit comment for details, but the basic change is that connectOutlet now takes a single string to define the View and Controller, removing the magic. If you need to customize further it can also take a hash of name, outletName, viewClass, controller and context.

  • The {{action}} helper got some big changes. It now calls stopPropagation and preventDefault automatically.


  • 2d26a36 adds naïve route sorting. This fixes a situation where a :post_id would always take precedence over a new segment. Now it sorts based on substrings, segment length and dynamicism.

  • Ember.Evented now has one method to add a one-time eventListener.

  • Ember.Evented uses trigger instead of fire to keep in line with jQuery.

If I missed anything please let me know in the comments or on twitter.

What's new in EmberJS June 11 12 Jun 2012

A couple of new guides out this week and still plenty of docfixes and tidying up going on. I urge everyone to have read through the Ember source sometime if you haven’t already.

###Weekly Wrapup #6

  • Two new official guides have been released on application structure/outlets and asynchrony. Check them out they’re great for newbies and not-so-newbies alike.

  • A new Ember.Sortable mixin has been added and is mixed in to ArrayProxy by default. To use add a sortProperties value to the Array and use arrangedContent to get the sorted values.

  • pushState and none locations have been added to the router to complement the existing hash implementation.

  • 871042 moves dom events to use Ember’s internal event system. This has the side-effect that returning false from a method should now stop propagation.

  • A couple of IE related bugs were squashed

If I missed anything please let me know in the comments or on twitter.

What's new in EmberJS June 5 05 Jun 2012

Again mostly routing stuff this week, although it’s great to see a lot of work being done on documentation.

###Weekly Wrapup #5

  • 82d35eThe ember-rails gem now generates the relevant ember resources when rails g resource is run

  • Removed deprecated use of wildcards * and leading periods in paths.

  • As of ee46ed, views now inherit controllers from their parents.

  • In one of the more controversial changes to Ember as of late, 7ae011 removes binding transforms. Check out the comments for the recommended replacement.

  • As of 7ff23e routes should be handled better when using the back/forward buttons in the browser.

  • A heroku app is now generating and uploading a new version of ember-latest after every push. You can now always get the latest version here.

If I missed anything please let me know in the comments or on twitter.